Kandi Covered Head to Toe
Kandi is one of the biggest and most popular items worn to festivals. If you don't know what kandi is, it is the colorful beaded bracelets people stack themselves with. Literally covering all the way up their arms, or even attached to belts. But Kandi is more than a look worn to festivals. Kandi has a big meaning in the EDM world. Peace, love, unity, respect (PLUR) the four words that kandi is all about.When you go to festival, and you see the people, usually girls, covered in kandi, and you want a piece of that kandi, a certain ritual has to be performed with the person who has all the kandi. First you want to make the peace sign, then make a heart, next form unity by placing your palms together, then last clasp your hands to show respect and while your hands are together, switch a piece of kandi over from one arm to the other arm.
Here are the pictures of the steps to obtaining kandi:
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